Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our first bikes

When I was about seven we all got bikes.  I think they were bikes made from different parts because they were multicolored, but we didn't care they were bikes.  Anyway that was the easy part, the hard part was learning to ride them.  Daddy had this trick, he would run along side us holding the back, and promised he would stay behind us.  Next thing you know, we turn around and he's standing behind with a big smile because we were riding it on our own.  Of course when we realized he wasn't there anymore our handlebars were swerving and we were swerving then, "crash" onto the pavement.  We did'nt get hurt much and he had us get back on the bike a few times, and in a couple days we were pros at it.  Forty years later I'm using the same trick on my son, only I did it on grass.

FYI - a few years later we all got nice new bikes - three weeks after they were stolen from some kids down the street.  Daddy went to the house and took them back.  We got them back, but of course we had to add parts and we were back to the multicolored bikes.

1 comment:

Our Daddy said...

Memories Forever in Our Hearts

Daddy always made time for us in School, Family Vacations, and Sports, Holidays, you name it Daddy was there. Daddy was an outdoor person he loved the mountains and he took us camping every year something we always looked forward to and will keep this tradition going with our own brother and sisters, and children and generations to come. I remember one year he had to put a tent up and it was raining in Lake Tahoe. The tent looked like it was going to collapse, and a close older couple camping by us asked us to come have breakfast with them. She made us pancakes, but she through in all kinds of fruit, bananas in them. But I didnt care about our tent because we still had a blast camping together. All four of us Barbara, Gabriel, me(Babydoll), and christina all followed daddy's love for the mountains. Thank you Daddy for all the good times and memories, especially when it was dark and we would roast the marshmellows. Daddy would start to sing his "Bamba" song and as the grandkids came he would tell his stories around the campfire. One of the favorites of the grandkids that they talk about is the "Mushrooms" story when daddy rode on a ten speed bike.