Saturday, June 25, 2011

To the Rescue!

When Aunt and Uncle figured out we weren't behind them, they backtracked and found us stranded on the side of the road.  Because they were already familiar with the area and weather conditions Uncle knew right away what to do.  Uncle jumped on the back of the bumper and started bouncing it while daddy drove the truck forward because by this time the truck was also stuck in the ice and needed some traction to get going forward again.  But, the ferry had stopped crossing and we needed to find a place to sleep.

Few funny happenings during this time;  while they were taking care of the truck, grandpa got off the truck and decided he could walk across with daddy and Uncle, but he started sliding around, and grandma is in the car yelling out, "viejo!!" it was just one of the funniest scenes, because then, at the same time, we are all in the station wagon and we could hear this rattling and we are all looking around because we couldn't figure out where it was coming from, finally grandma, said, "it's me, my knees" she has something between her knees and it was so cold her legs were shaking and making the rattling noise against this.  We just all starting busting up, it kind of broke the ice.

End of day - we found a cabin with a couple of rooms, some blankets, but we only ate some sliced bread and something else, I don't remember.  During this time, all the stores closed early and we weren't able to buy anything to eat, but the good news is, that in Canada it you stay 24 hours you can buy liquor and cross the border with it ...WooHoo!! Daddy stocked-up and bought some for gifts, I think he bought most because they came in these really decorative bottles.  Then we ate and cross the ferry back to Bonners Ferry for another day.

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