Friday, June 24, 2011


We were exhausted.  By this time I was at the house two, three times a day, along with Badoll on the way home from work and sometimes before, and Christina in the morning and sometimes evenings.  There were appointments, feeding tube changes, breakfasts, lunch, dinners, and our own errands with our own families.  We needed help desperately. 

It happen that at this time, Maria was attending college in Fresno and staying at our house during the week to save on gas and money and going home on weekends.  We talked to daddy and asked if it would be alright if Maria could stay with them and help us out during the evenings and weekends because we didn't want her to compromise any time with her schooling but needed help after, and she was willing to help us out too.  Momma was reluctant at first but warmed up to the idea soon after.  Maria would run to the market for them and cook dinners.  Phew, our lifesaver.  But, showers that was a whole different story, the only person momma would allow to help her out with showers, was me.  Daddy would call me to give her a shower because by this time she couldn't even stand for longer than a couple of minutes, and a shower would make her feel better and sleep better. 

Then there was the falling, momma would wake up during the night, disoriented and fall and daddy with his arm, had a hard time picking her up.  Maria would help a lot, but on nights she was gone, daddy would call asking for help and either me or David would go to the house around 1 or 2 in morning to help daddy pick her up (we live only two miles away from their house).  This was hard, not because of the picking-up, that wasn't even a problem, it was that we didn't understand why this was happening to her.  We needed to talk again to the doctors, and asked daddy if he minded we talked to him together, by this time he knew something had to be done because she still wasn't eating and started to become very combative.

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