Friday, August 12, 2011

While in Idaho

We could see it was near - the first night we asked, pretty much demanded that he rest.  It had been a long day with the ride (16 hours), and settling in for the night that we knew he was tired but at the same time he wanted to be with everyone like he use to be able to do.  Anyway, me, Badoll, Peter, and Uncle wheeled him down to the trailer and while rolling down he asked where momma was, we told him she was going to stay up a while more visiting, and he yelled, "nope take me back," then began to sing the song "Volver, Volver."  He wanted to party till the end. 

When we finally all got to the trailer daddy began to hallucinate and was very restless, he would rest for about 10 minutes then jump up disoriented about where he was at.  He would periodically speak in Spanish and during this time Badoll would sit with him and then I would sit with him. 

Finally, it's morning and we're telling him we should go home, but no he was insistent that we take the kids around the area to see the trout farm, moose, lake, town, plus we were going to Aunt and Uncle's renewal of their vows in town.  Daddy decided to stay home and Uncle Juan's brother and wife were there and they would stay with him while we were gone.  It's Saturday and we knew it would be another long night for daddy.  He had a good time though, sitting on the porch, there was food, family and visiting.  He didn't eat much but he enjoyed sitting on the deck looking out for deer and bears.

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