Monday, August 22, 2011

Our last day

Eventually his body starting shutting down, his kidneys, liver, all internal organs, his breathing was getting harder and now he was on oxygen always.  Doctors were still not telling us everything.  We knew something wasn't right, even by now daddy knew it was near the end.  We decided to ask the nurse straight out what was going on.  She was great, she brought the doctor in and told us it would be only hours now, maybe 24, maybe 2.  We wanted to know what to expect.  Now it was time to ask him what he wanted.  He had told us pretty much a lot during the past few months, but we needed the little details, and we got it all down.  Then he talked to all of us; he wasn't scared and not to worry he would be okay, told us he loved us and we were the best kids he could ever have wanted, and to be sure we took care of our families and he reminded us; "make sure you take care of your momma."  He told us this couple of times and we promised it was not even a question.  Than he smiled, closed his eyes... and we waited. 

Around 5am, daddy took his oxygen mask off, told us he was tired and he was gone within ten minutes.  It was the longest ten minutes I have ever experienced.  I sat there in the chair waiting, I would never hear daddy tells us his funny stories, shake his head because we did something dumb, or laugh because we told some joke, again and again.  Never again would he tell us while he was eating a subway sandwich, that he could feel the pounds peel off, or about how he never had Christmas presents as a young boy, that's why they had tamales; so they would have something to unwrap.  Or, what about how when he grew up, he had a different fork every time he ate some of his food; tortillas.  He would never again be there for the grandkids baseball games, football games, award ceremonies, piano recitals, graduations, and all the family bar-b-ques or parties we had.  He love to party, he loved to eat and drink, but most of all he loved his family ... and we loved him with everything we could give because he gave us twice back. 

Now I visit him at the cemetery where his stone has a picture of momma and daddy on their wedding day, a forest scene on the bottom, and teddy there sitting with daddy. 

We love you daddy, and miss you every day, but you’re in our hearts.... forever.
September 2009 Porterville Filipino Reunion

August 23, 2009 Birthday

June 1978 BBQ at Tulare Union

Pepsi-Cola 1974

8/9 Years Old

15-18 years old

Valley Cruiser BBQ 198??

Fresno State Graduation BBQ May 22, 2010

Thanksgiving 2009

Idaho July 4, 2010

Our last Christmas w/Daddy at  my house 2009

January 1960

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