Monday, July 4, 2011


I forgot, but momma and daddy had this big hairy fluffy dog, Teddy.  He was a bearded collie and the most loyal dog you can ever know.  He was daddy's dog and daddy wasn't a big dog person.  It's important to mention because during the time daddy got sick, we didn't know, but Teddy had also gotten cancer.  We didn't know it at the time but he was in a lot of pain.  When daddy got out of surgery he would stand in front of daddy while he was getting out of bed and in the bathroom so that he could hold on to or stop him from falling.  He also use to do the same thing for momma when she went to the restroom or walk around the house.  he was so tall and had this large wide flat back that they could lean onto.  Anyway, soon after daddy got out from his kidney surgery, Teddy wasn't doing too good, by now he was 13 years old.  They took him to the vet and found out he had cancer and probably for a while.  We always felt Teddy stayed alive as long as he could to take care of them.  About three weeks after daddy got out, momma and daddy had decided we could take him to SPCA to put him to sleep, so we all went to the house.  Momma and daddy couldn't do it, too hard, so Gadiel and Maria carried Teddy into the car (by now he couldn't walk anymore), I drove, Christina passenger, and Maria in back with Teddy laying his head on her.  On the Way he took this big breath and then he was gone.  We all heard it and pretty much knew what it meant, but it was confirmed when Maria yelled, "Stupid dog" and started to cry.  We were not more than a mile from the house.  We called daddy and momma and told them.  Daddy missed him a lot and always talked about him til he was gone.  We have Teddy engraved on the stone with a forest background.

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