Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On our Way

We again asked daddy the night before we left, July 1, 2010, "are you sure daddy, we can still cancel?"  No, I'll be up at 4am so we can leave by 5am.  He had calculated how many times we would stop and where and how many hours it would take for us to get to Aunt Alex's.  He caluculated that we should be there by 7 to 8pm that evening.  Badoll was travelling in her truck and needed to stop by my house to pick up some things from my house first then we would follow each other to mommas.  It was Badoll, Carlos, Adrianne, Priscilla, and Issac.  David had to work so it would be me, Esther and Samuel, and the night before I picked up momma and daddy's Chrsyler 300, I would be driving their car.  Badoll had four crates of peaches and nectarines to take plus all the clothes and other necessities.  We followed each other to momma and daddy's and drove up at 4am!  Daddy was already dressed packed and waiting for us outside sitting in the chair, waiting.  Sighing up a storm because momma, of course, was inside still packing her humungous bags/suitcases.  We almost couldn't fit all her bags.  Maria was staying at the house to watch their house and new dog Toby.  We were planning to leave July 2 and be back on the 7th.  We figured one day travel over, three days at Aunties, and one day at Reno, and one day travel back.  The seating arrangements were me driving, daddy passenger, and momma and Priscilla in the back.  In Badolls, it was Badoll and all the other kids, and we were meeting Christina, Gadiel and kids at Kleins on Herndon and 99.  Where again the seating was mixed again, Christina had Ellissa, Samuel, and Issac.  Badoll had Carlos, Adrianne, Bethany, and Esther.  We were set and our way.

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