Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The old days

When we were kids it was definitely different and I think better in some ways for our own kids.  We didn't have the tons of toys, all the technology, and all the fears.  We lived on California Street and once a week the milkman would come and drop off glass jars of milk.  The pan dulce truck would come twice a week with trays of fresh Mexican sweet bread.  If I think about it hard enough I could smell them and taste the sugar topping of the bollilo breads.  Then there was the Library bookmobile, my favorite.  Once a week the bus would almost park between our house and Aunt Connie's and we would check out two books at a time.  I got to read all the Nancy Drew  mysteries, Gabe read all the Hardy boys and my first American classic - Little Women.  I loved that book.  Badoll read Nancy Drew too and too early for Christina yet.

I had one Barbie -versus- the twenty kids have now, not the mention the Bratz and the other Barbies, the more bustier, more ethnic.  We played outside from sunup to sundown.  Read a book instead watching TV.  But, then we have more cars, more conveniences, more techology then we know what to do with.  Too bad we couldn't mix the two, that would be great.

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