Friday, March 25, 2011

Get the kidney out!

By this time he had already had a minor surgery to get a sample of the tumor on his right shoulder and put a metal bar inside his right upper arm bone connected to the ball joint where the tumor was sitting on.  The goal was to give him some more mobility on his right arm.  It did give him some movement and at least it wasn't just hanging there anymore.

Now a couple of hours before he has his kidney removed we're all with him, we had written daddy a letter on how he enhanced our childhood and made us better people.  We were all scared this would be it.  So was he.  The surgery was a risky surgery.  His right kidney would have to be removed, it was completely encased in a larger tumor. 

Off he goes to surgery, and off we go to the waiting room where several of his sisters and brothers, neices and nephews are waiting also.... four hours later he's doing good, they were able to completely remove the kidney.

The funny part is that when he woke up in surgery he was convinced he was dead because he was surrounded by other patients covered in white sheets, lined up .. and it reminded him of the movie Coma.  Then...none of the family were allowed in yet, but when his cousins, Albert, Sylvia, Norma and Aunt Soccorro just walked in he figured he was still alive.  You had to be there I guess.

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