Sunday, January 2, 2011

Knee Surgery

Years ago, maybe twenty years ago, daddy had to have a knee replacement.  He kept trying to put it off but finally decided to go through with it.  Daddy has not been in the hospital ever, I don't think he was even born in a hospital and when we were born they didn't let dad's in the room till after the birth.  No hospital as a patient, just a visitor.  Daddy dresses for his surgery.  Sweat pants.  The importance of sweat pants didn't mean anything at the moment but when he registered and started prep for the surgery, he proceeded to lift the sweat pant on the leg for knee surgery and told them he was ready.  Ha! Ha!  Boy was he upset when he found out he had to totally undress for a "knee" surgery. 

Later, after the surgery the doctor informed him that after the anesthesia wore off he would have some pain so they provided him with a liquid codiene that was suppose to last seven days.  NOT.  The anesthesia wore off and he couldn't drink it fast enough in a day and a half.  Luckily the doctor renewed the prescription and he made this one last till the end of week.

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